HST 14176+5226

ObservedHST ModelMLE ModelResidualLensed sourceFilter

Name HST14176+5226
Equatorial(J2000) 14:17:36.3 +52:26:44 PAV3=32o.93
HST WFPC2 Groth GTO:5090 1994-Mar-11
Dataset[g][x,y] U26X0801T[3][242,700]
MDS Field:id lens galaxy u26x8:0009
HST WFPC2 Filter F814W F606W
Exposure seconds 4 x 11004 x 700
log (integrated S/N Ratio) 3.57 3.10
Fitted Parameter MLE +/- rms MLE +/- rms
Sky Mag. (arcsec2) 22.236 0.003 22.775 0.003
Total Mag of lens galaxy 19.80 0.01 21.74 0.03
X centroid 0".1 Pix 242.92 0.02 242.79 0.03
Y centroid 0".1 Pix 699.92 0.02 700.09 0.04
Half-light radius 1".004 0".017 1".184 0".032
Orientation of light - 41o.5 1o.0 - 41o.9 2o.6
Axis Ratio of the light 0.69 0.01 0.65 0.03
Mag. of lensed source 25.72 0.08 26.19 0.06
Source X offset 0".1 Pix - 0.28 0.05 - 0.19 0.05
Source Y offset 0".1 Pix 1.20 0.05 1.36 0.04
Critical Radius 1".489 0".006 1".496 0".004
Axis Ratio Lens mass 0.40 0.01 0.37 0.01
Lens Orientation - 29o.1 0o.3 - 28o.5 0o.2
Source half-light 0".054 0".006 0".045 0".007
Source Orientation 0o.0 Fixed 0o.0 Fixed
Source Axis-Ratio 1.00 Fixed 1.00 Fixed

Lens galaxy from MDS-Pipeline fit